

The board of administration & the personel of the Perigueux SPA wish you all an excellant year in 2016.

The protection of animals is making progress in France and we are so pleased about this. There is so much more to do though & we need your help.

We hope that you will...

The 2016 calenders are now available. They are full of pictures of our beautiful animals with their stories. You can buy them for 8€ from the secretary.

The students of the Maison Famaliale rurale have been asked to sell them door to door, please give them a...

Dans le cadre de leurs études les élèves de la Maison familiale rurale de Périgueux viennent présenter leur projet en faveur des animaux du refuge

Joli male teckel (ex: GAZOU) vit avec la mère de Jean Pierre parti en nouvelle Calédonie pour son travail



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