

We have at the moment around 90 dogs ,30 kittens & 50 adult cats all looking for someone to adopt them before winter sets in. If you are looking for an animal, come & visit us, perhaps you will find the perfect pet. Adopting an animal is a serious decision & needs to be well thought...

Jymmy has been found in the Corrèze, he escaped from the people that stole him from the refuge. We see him here with the family that took him in & treated him as he wasinjured & tired.

You will find here the press release published by the National Federation of the SPA's in France. This press release concerns the new 2015 poster campaign aimed at raising awareness about the need to sterilize cats. Indeed, a pair of cats can potentially be...

Created by a small team of volunteers from the Marsac/Perigueux SPA : Henriette, Christelle & Peters, 

the site proposes a project to awaken the need to respect...


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