Adopted animals

Attention, ces animaux ne sont plus à l'adoption, ils ont été adopté et ont donc trouvé une famille, si vous recherchez un animal cliquez sur la rubrique "Nos animaux" puis "Chiens ou Chats".
  • Pacotille

    Pacotille was found attached to a tree. This is a young dog who is looking for a stable family. She is a bit wary when she does not know you, but once contact is established, she loves it to be taken... voir sa fiche complète
  • Snoop

    Snoop is a large dog up for adoption. He is suspicious when he doesn't know you, but once you have gained his trust, he loves being taken care of.
  • Selek

    Selek arrived in September 2013 when he was found wandering the streets. No one has claimed him since, so he is now up for adoption. It’s a friendly dog, with the character of a fox terrier,  ... voir sa fiche complète
  • Snoopy

    Snoopy is a dog full of life and in need of education. Despite his love of life, he likes to be taken care of. It's hard for him to be locked up in the refuge & he stays skinny as he always on... voir sa fiche complète
  • Fafian

    Fafian was abandoned following the hospitalisation of his master; so he needs to regain his bearings. This is a lovely dog, who may need a little education. He gets along with female dogs, he has not... voir sa fiche complète
  • Ramses

    Ramses is a middle sized dog; he is beatiful and only demands some love and peace.


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