Adopted animals

Attention, ces animaux ne sont plus à l'adoption, ils ont été adopté et ont donc trouvé une famille, si vous recherchez un animal cliquez sur la rubrique "Nos animaux" puis "Chiens ou Chats".
  • Horus

    I'm tall, handsome and muscular! Perfect for a guard dog, but I'd also like to be with you and have my cuddles. I can't guarantee you that I’m ready to be put on guard yet, maybe my education needs... voir sa fiche complète
  • Pitchoune

    Pitchoune is calm and reserved. She is not necessarily the first we see in the cattery, but she still comes to say hello. She loves her little comfort and likes to doze off: its a real cats life!
  • Mimie

    This beautiful Angora cat certainly lived a large part of her life outdoors. She will need a garden, a warm spot and a daily brushing because of her long hair. She lets you cuddle her and... voir sa fiche complète
  • Beauty

    This kitten is a beauty indeed, but she has a lot of character. However, she is not mean or aggressive ... She can be handled without problem, but when she is tired of being caressed or being picked... voir sa fiche complète
  • Garnier

    This beautiful tabby was captured together with "Elsève", but he is much more reserved than the latter. Garnier hides, but is not aggressive when you caress or catch him. He's just trying to be as... voir sa fiche complète
  • Elsève

    This kitten was captured with her friend "Garnier". She is very sweet and loves to be caressed and to be picked up. She even kisses you with her nose. Her little peculiarity, her broken tail, gives... voir sa fiche complète


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