

My name is Peluche, (cuddly toy) and with my 30kg and beautiful coat I am wotranstransrthy of my name. I know that I am going to have more than one person fall in love with me. I haven't been taught much of anything so I will need a family who understands dogs & is willing to put in the effort to train me. Come & visit me in the refuge .. who knows, perhaps you'll fall in love !

Born May 2023


Vos coordonnées
Vos motivations
Vos conditions d’accueil
En maison, En appartement, Studio, Autre ?
(Nous rappelons que la SPA ne fait pas pension)
Votre foyer et vos enfants
Vos animaux
Chien, Chat (Autres : NAC, cheval, poule, mouton)

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