Adopted animals

Attention, ces animaux ne sont plus à l'adoption, ils ont été adopté et ont donc trouvé une famille, si vous recherchez un animal cliquez sur la rubrique "Nos animaux" puis "Chiens ou Chats".
  • Texas

    Texas is a lovely dog, full of life & loves people.
  • Bubulle

    I’m Bubulle, a large, young dog of about one and a half years old. I am dynamic, & like to play and I love to be taken care of. I 'm not that keen other dogs but I'm a good guard dog. I 've been... voir sa fiche complète
  • Goya

    Goya is a big dog. Friendly & happy. She arrived at the SPA when she was only 8 months old and she needs educating.
  • Nouno

    Calm and cuddly cat.
  • Malo

    Malo is a spayed female, who was abandoned. She is fairly quiet in the cattery and often remains in the same place. She must have lived in an apartment
  • Johnny

    Johnny arrived with an injury to his hind leg, that we treated. He is now in great shape, he is calm and cuddly and also likes to play.


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