Adopted animals

Attention, ces animaux ne sont plus à l'adoption, ils ont été adopté et ont donc trouvé une famille, si vous recherchez un animal cliquez sur la rubrique "Nos animaux" puis "Chiens ou Chats".
  • Goliath

    I, big cat of the streets, was found in the municipality of Champcevinel and I arrived at the SPA on May the 27th. My first visit to the vet revealed that I am the bearer of FIV (which is not... voir sa fiche complète
  • Friponne

    Friponne is a female dog of 2 years old, she is full of life and energy. She is very endearing and cuddly. She needs to spend time in a garden, but it needs to be well enclosed.
  • Khéops

    Khéops is full of energy and love. He is very affectionate and loves long walks. It will need a patient owner who can give him a basic education.
  • Batman

    This is an emergency for this old dog of 12 years, who needs a retirement basket. It's hard for him to move, he is deaf, he is blind in one eye but still has lots of love to give. Batman can not... voir sa fiche complète
  • Kiche

    Kiche is a husky cross. She will need an owner  who knows the breed and will make sure that she can flourish. Kiche will live in a house with a well fenced off garden.
  • Ulysse

    Ulysses is a beautiful labrador of 4 years old. He is full of life and is always looking for contact. Come and meet him.


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