Adopted animals

Attention, ces animaux ne sont plus à l'adoption, ils ont été adopté et ont donc trouvé une famille, si vous recherchez un animal cliquez sur la rubrique "Nos animaux" puis "Chiens ou Chats".
  • Clochette

    Clochette arrived with three kittens, who were lucky enough to be adopted. Clochette is frighted if  approached too quickly. Once she understands that you want to stroke her, she relaxes and rubs... voir sa fiche complète
  • Copain

    Copain is a timid cat, pretty quiet even and for him it was difficult to get used to the cattery.
  • Fantasia

    Fantasia wore a collar when she arrived, but even so, she had not the fortune to be reunited with her family. So she is now up for adoption. Fantasia is beautiful and cuddly.
  • Pistache

    Pistache is a pretty & charismatic cat. She gets along with other cats, but she's the one who's boss!.
  • Jeep

    Jeep is a great cat and a fairly large in size. He is adorable, cuddly, quiet ... The only downside: he carries the FIV (which is not transmissible to humans or dogs, only between cats through bites... voir sa fiche complète
  • Mac

    As Mac was captured and brought to the SPA, he is a little apprehensive. You can grab hold of him now, but we see it's hard for him to relax; there is still a lot of work to do with him. Since he is... voir sa fiche complète


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